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As a Tenant, You Have Rights If the Property Causes Your Injuries


When you moved into your apartment, it looked beautiful. It had no mold, it appeared well kept, it had modernized utilities and you thought everything looked great. You signed the lease and moved in immediately.

It was an unfortunate day when you were showering and had the ceiling collapse on you. Fortunately, your neighbor heard you scream out and called for help. You suffered a concussion and lacerations as a result of the collapse, and now you’re interested in what you can do to hold your landlord accountable.

Insurance policies cover landlords

If your landlord has a good insurance policy, the landlord should receive compensation for any losses due to fires, collapses or other issues in your apartment. If you have to sue your landlord for the injuries you’ve suffered, the landlord should have a comprehensive policy that covers financial damages that result from defective conditions on the property. If you’re worried a lawsuit would hurt your landlord, don’t. It’s your right.

Landlords have several duties to tenants

Landlords have a duty to keep you safe on the property within reason. They need to maintain the common areas, warn you about hidden dangers and make sure that short-term apartments are safe. It’s important to realize that a landlord is only responsible for your injuries if he or she has neglected the property or should have known about a problem that led to your injuries. For instance, if the person in the apartment above you had flooded the bathroom, the landlord should have made sure your ceiling wasn’t affected and that the above flooring was safe.

As a tenant who has been hurt at your rental property, it’s important for you to report your injuries to your landlord. You deserve the right medical care and should receive compensation for the injuries you suffered.
