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The Symptoms of Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries

doctor looking at head scans

Brain injuries are some of the most severe a person can experience. When you suffer a brain injury, you may experience life-long symptoms. These symptoms can be physical or mental, impacting your quality of life. It’s vital to recognize symptoms of a severe traumatic brain injury and your legal rights moving forward.

Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms can begin to occur within the hours following your brain injury. Sometimes, they may take days to manifest. In any case, it’s crucial to receive medical care if you experience severe damage. Here are some of the physical symptoms you may have after a TBI:

  • Unconsciousness. Typically, you may lose consciousness in a few minutes or hours after the accident.
  • Ongoing headaches that range in severity.
  • Sleep problems. Either you may experience fatigue or have an inability to wake up.
  • Nausea and vomiting, which can lead to body weakness.
  • Coordination loss and balance issues.
  • Convulsions and seizures.

These physical symptoms can make it challenging to do even the simplest everyday tasks.

Cognitive Symptoms

TBIs can also cause cognitive and mental symptoms such as memory loss and confusion. You may have a hard time figuring out how the incident occurred or even have long-term memory loss. In many situations, you may experience slurred speech and trouble with your behavior and mood.

No matter the symptoms, if you suffer a traumatic brain injury because of negligence, it can have a detrimental effect on your life. It’s vital to seek compensation to recover properly following a TBI.

Our team at The Paris Law Group, PC knows how challenging this time can be for you. We work hard to put your best interests first. When you need our New York personal injury attorneys, we’ll stand by your side and take on large corporations to pursue the compensation you deserve. We’re ready to help you every step of the way.

Call our firm today for a free consultation: (888) 365-4940.
